Wednesday, December 10, 2008

7 Quick Search Engine Optimization Tips

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) isn’t as hard as it seems. SEO is just a matter of following simple tried and tested steps and applying them time and time again.

SEO isn’t just a one time job; if you want your site to be successful you need to schedule small SEO tasks each week. Just make it part of your weekly routine and it will soon seem effortless. These quick SEO tips will help get you started on your journey to the first page of Google.

Search Engine Optimization Quick Tips

Keyword research Make sure you are targeting the right keywords, this is vital, don’t guess at what your target market are searching for.

Keyword placement Make sure you put your keywords in the title and heading and everywhere else the search engines like to see them.

Fresh content Search engines like fresh content, that’s why blogs are SEO friendly. Create a schedule and add fresh content to your site every month

Directory listings
Submit your site to relevant directories. This strategy won’t bring you much traffic but it will give you quality links to your site.

Get writing
Write original content for your site, repurpose you content into articles and submit your articles to article directories for yet more exposure and links to your site. If you aren’t comfortable with writing your own content, hire a ghost writer, the rewards are worth it

Get Social
Comment on blogs, answer questions in forums and join social networks like Twitter, this will create more links to your site and get the word out about your site and your products.

Be consistent If you want your site to climb in the search engine rankings you need to schedule regular SEO tasks and make them part of your routine.

If you want a successful website that has an endless stream of visitors, Search Engine Optimization is vital. Create a search engine optimisation strategy, decide what you will do and when you will do it, then take the first steps today.


1 comment:

theresa said...

Nice Post! Thanks for the information! Indeed, SEO is really important for a website success.. Thanks keep up the good work!