Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tips for online marketing

1. A professional looking Web site is a necessity for small businesses. Trying to cut costs on a Web site could mean reduced business. A Web site is a representation of your business.

2. If your Web site doesn’t show up on the first two pages on a Google search of keywords related to your business you’re in a bad position. Better search engine optimization practices will provide a better opportunity for consumers to spot your site over others.

3. E-mail marketing such as e-newsletters, coupons and sales notices are an effective tool if done carefully. Overwhelming the consumer with too many e-mails may cause them to treat such offers as junk mail.

4. Blogging can be good for business. The more opportunities you have to allow people to find you, the better. Sites such as offer free blogging services.

5. Be your own publisher. Add more content to your Web site such as articles and newsletters. This is an effective way to engage the consumer.

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