Sunday, October 19, 2008

7 Most Successful SEO Bashings in Recent Web History

One of the best performing link bait ideas on the Web today is SEO bashing. It’s an ugly but very successful way of gaining links at the expense of others. It seems the less substance an anti-SEO claim has the more links you’ll gain.

A prerequisite of this link baiting technique is considerable authority though. So if you write in your unknown blog that SEO sucks nobody will link to you.

1. SEO is Dead by the infamous SEO 2.0 has been translated in more than a 12 languages

2. Design for Google, a hilariously funny animation became wildly popular

3. SEO is Bullshit by Jason Calacanis the perhaps most renowned Internet prankster was huge

4. SEO is Bullshit by succeeded twice in a row with no substance whatsoever!

5. Why Diggers hate SEO by Muhammad Saleem had of course major success on Digg

6. SEO has no Future by Shoemoney got some considerable attention with plenty of links from the SEO industry

7. SEO Sucks by Shoemoney was a publicity stunt on a search conference that made everybody publish the image

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