Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Want to Increase Website Traffic? Easy SEO Tips!

In fact your SEO journey has just begun! Your site is built and functional, but so are a lot of sites out there. What is going to make your priority according to search engines, better than the other guys?

There are quite a few things we can do for good SEO. The first we are going to look at is the domain name. If you have a domain name such as IWB for selling a butter product, called I Want Butter, you’re not going to get very far. It’s not to say you will fail completely at SEO, but to optimize your chances, you should have a domain name that contains your keywords.

The domain ILoveButter or IWantButter would be optimal. You might have to get a bit creative depending on what domain names are available. These days you can register a domain for as little as seven dollars a year, it is a great investment that will insure great SEO rankings.

Some people will tell you that you’re site will take months to be crawled by the search engines if you register a new domain. Not True! Last week I built a brand new site on Tuesday. It was finished at 3PM. By Wednesday at noon, search engine bots were all over it.

How did I achieve that? Well, I had optimized my keywords, homepage text, and landing pages. But I also did the below steps. If you do these too, you can ensure great SEO rankings. Read More...

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