Sunday, November 23, 2008

Why Different Types of Search Engine Optimization Do Not Work

There are many effective search engine marketing agencies you can use who will establish search visibility and search referral traffic to your site, so why waste your time with these?

Submit to Search Engines
There is no point in submitting your Web site's URLs to search engines. Search engines will crawl your Web site if there are links pointing to it. If you have no links pointing to your site, then you will have no search visibility no matter how often you submit to search engines.

Rely on Meta-Keywords
For many years now, search engines have ignored meta-keywords. Long ago, a key SEO technique was to stuff keywords into meta-keywords. This worked when Bill Clinton was President. Not today.

Free or Cheap Means No Results
It is true you get what you pay for. Free or cheap submissions to search engines have no impact. Cheap link building will not establish long-term search visibility. Effective search engine marketing is highly valuable to business. It is brutally competitive because many know how to do it well. Someone who understands the complex art and science of Search Engine Optimization usually has a good idea how to price services. Yes, there can be a huge difference between the fees of qualified search engine marketers. Nonetheless, a competent search optimizer will charge more than $500 a year. If that is your budget, don't expect miracles.

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